Teeth Whitening in Delhi


What is Teeth whitening treatment?

Teeth whitening is the procedure of bleaching your teeth so that they appear some shades whiter than they were.


Who needs Teeth whitening?

Teeth whitening is a cosmetic procedure that can be performed for people with yellowish teeth. It is also helpful in patients with stained and discoloured teeth due to a past habit of smoking, tobacco chewing etc.


How is Teeth whitening in North Delhi done?

Most teeth whitening systems involve hydrogen peroxide gels of different concentrations, that are applied to the surface of the teeth to create a bleaching effect on the teeth. Sometimes, laser is used in conjunction with these gels to create a faster and longer lasting outcome.


Is it painful?

Teeth whitening is not a painful procedure at all.


How much time does Teeth whitening treatment take?

Teeth whitening can be done over a single sitting that lasts between 40-60 minutes.


What are the side effects of Teeth whitening?

Potential side effects include gum irritation and teeth sensitivity. However, in most cases, they are temporary and subside in a few days.


What can I eat after Teeth whitening treatment?

Some dietary precautions have to be followed after teeth whitening procedure, especially for the next 48 hours. These include:

  • Avoid dark foods that can leave stains, like tea, coffee, red wine, soy sauce etc.
  • Avoid foods that are acidic in nature e.g. citrus fruits like lemons, oranges etc.

What is the home care after Teeth whitening in Delhi?

Apart from some dietary restrictions as mentioned above, make sure to:

  • Avoid smoking for at least 48 hours. Continued cigarette smoking even after this duration causes staining of teeth.
  • Maintain a good oral hygiene regimen including teeth brushing and flossing twice daily.
  • Consider at home or in-office touches ups if you are a smoker or have a lot of dark foods in your diet.

Why choose Dr. Pearl’s Dental Studio for Teeth whitening in Model Town?

At Dr. Pearl’s Dental Studio, we use the latest technology to provide the Best dental treatment in Delhi. Our panel of expert doctors make sure that you & your teeth are in good hands.


What is the approximate price of Teeth whitening treatment in North Delhi?

The approximate charges for teeth whitening at Dr. Pearl’s Dental Studio start at Rs. 5000/-. However, each case is different and the charges for the treatment can vary according to various factors that may increase the complexity of the case. Whatever the treatment cost may be, you will be informed about the entire charges before the process is started.

How to Find Us


Model Town Phase 2
Delhi 110009
